In Johnstown, NY, Community Health Center serves as a non-for-profit home healthcare agency founded as a result of a joint venture between St. Mary’s Healthcare of Amsterdam and Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home Inc. of Gloversville. The two hospitals recognized the need to provide quality health care in home of patients and residents of their communities and merged their efforts together to meet this need.

Data Centers In Albany

Community Health Center recognizes the need for quality healthcare and the corresponding need for quality IT support to foster a well-rounded and efficient kind of care environment. Without the proper kind of IT security and support a home healthcare organization can face severe challenges in the realization of organizational visions. Community Health Center required IT services that could not only sustain productivity, but could actively grow and develop as the organization did. The decision to work with The Data Center, LLC was undeniably beneficial.

Healthcare in the Age of Technology: A Need to Widen the Network of Support

Community Health Center already had P&J Computers employed to support their server & network environment for 18 years. However, they were lacking certain key features of modern IT support like:

  • Email encryption – as a home health care agency, visiting nurses require the ability to quickly send and receive confidential patient information from a variety of company devices and remote locations. The need to ensure this information remains secure is tantamount.
  • Effective storage and cloud back-up solutions – keeping a record of all exchanges and interactions is extremely important. The need for more functional and easily accessible storage and off-site back-up solution with disaster recovery was crucial.

Expanding the Network of Security, Storage and Support

After being referred by P&J Computers, Community Health Center partnered with P&J’s sister company – The Data Center, LLC. With some help from Appriver for the encrypted email, The Data Center, LLC. was able to provide Community Health Center with:

  • Monthly cloud based email encryption services as required
  • The Data Center’s Managed Cloud Backup Solution
  • Consistently quick and responsive support

The Final Outcome – A more well-rounded and functional healthcare environment

Since working with The Data Center, LLC., Community Health Center has reaped  significant benefits. With a secure email system in place for visiting nurses to send patient forms from remote locations and a managed Cloud Backup service for their Exchange mail database, the home healthcare environment has been able to reach a more efficient and secure level of operations. The Data Center, LLC. was able to offer them the innovative cloud services and responsive support they needed to provide efficient, confidential and well-rounded healthcare.

If you’re looking for more functional IT solutions that meet the specific needs of your highly secure and fast paced patient care environment don’t hesitate to reach out to The Data Center, LLC. at or (518) 459-DATA (3282) for more information and strategic guidance.