Cloud Support Can Help With Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery should be a primary concern for organizations of all sizes and types. No matter what the cause, when your business is taken offline, you have to know that you can return to your work quickly, without any subsequent data loss.

No matter what your business continuity processes may be, if you’re not using the cloud, then they’re not complete. You could be opening yourself up to a number of key data loss risks…

What Causes Data Loss?

Even if you have a secondary backup somewhere onsite, it’s still vulnerable to all the same onsite factors:

  • Hardware Failure causes 40% of data loss incidents.
    Hard drives fail every day for a variety of reasons. While some failures occur simply because the hardware becomes worn out, others fail prematurely due to external factors like:
  • Overheating
  • Water or fire damage
  • Exposure to magnetic fields
  • Power outages or surges
  • Impact due to being dropped
  • Software Failure causes 34% of data loss incidents.
    Similarly, errors with your software can be just as detrimental to your data. Running too many programs at once, or relying on outdated or unstable software can quickly lead to a crash, which will often lose any unsaved work you had open when the program crashed.
  • Power Outages cause 35% of data loss incidents.
    The fact is that mother nature doesn’t care if you backed up your work or not. A server room flood, vital infrastructure being knocked out by winds and even worse during a major weather event can knock out power, and quickly erase both local and offsite data reserves if your backups aren’t far enough away from your offices.
  • Human Error causes 20% of data loss incidents.
    Every day we create, update, save and delete files; it’s just part of our everyday business life. It’s no wonder that sometimes, we delete files or overwrite files by accident. It’s just the cost of doing business.
  • Security Breaches, Computer Viruses, And Malware Infections cause 23% of data loss incidents.
    Data loss is often the result of poor digital security; without the right defenses, cybercriminals can easily infect an IT system with ransomware or other types of malware and compromise company data.

That’s why you need to take every possible step to protect your data…

What Does The Cloud Have To Do With Disaster Recovery?

If you’re not already using a cloud backup service, then you’re behind the times.

According to Acronis’ 2019 World Backup Day Survey, 48.3% of surveyed businesses already use a cloud-based backup exclusively, and an additional 26.8% use a combination of cloud and onsite backup.

If you’re only using an onsite backup, that’s certainly a good first step. But do you think it is enough?

With a cloud backup, data is backed up to a remote, cloud-based server. The data is stored in, and accessible from multiple distributed and connected resources that comprise a cloud.

  • You and your staff can remotely access the provider’s services using a secure log in application to back up files from your computers to the online storage server.
  • As part of your disaster recovery plan, the remote, off-site cloud storage ensures that the data remains safe if your local data is affected by a disaster such as a fire, flood, cyberattack or accidental deletion by an employee.
  • Files and data are automatically saved to the cloud backup service on a regular, scheduled basis. The information can also be automatically backed up anytime that changes are made.
  • The cloud also allows for an automated failover system, letting you quickly reroute both data and communications in the event of a failed connection.

The Cloud Is Key To Disaster Recovery

A cloud backup solution addresses each and everyone one of the most common data loss causes. With backups of your data and applications in the cloud, you always have secure and easy access to everything you need to continue working and serving clients.

What’s more, cloud storage is a perfect way to reduce your IT costs. Data can be backed up directly to the cloud without the risk of data loss, which eliminates the costs and resources associated with on-premise data storage and protection solutions.

The Data Center provides comprehensive business continuity planning to keep you prepared for the inevitable.

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