A wireless connection is desirable for many businesses as employees depend more on mobile devices to work on the go. However, plugging in the old Ethernet cable manually still has its advantages, especially when your business handles confidential data. When you set up your data system, new machines, or upgrade your technology, it’s necessary to know when […]

Not happy with your online marketing results? Maybe Microsoft Connections can put your small business on the fast track to online marketing success. I am sure you have heard it said before, but you may have doubted the truth behind the statement. So let me tell you one more time, and this time you better […]

Outlook has been redesigned to take advantage of the capabilities of mobile platforms, with new features introduced for iOS and Android smartphones and devices.   Depending on audience and demographic, 20% to 75% of emails will be opened by mobile users. It’s understandable that Microsoft is now focusing on iOS and Android platforms for Outlook upgrades […]