Ransoc is ransomware that searches the victim’s drive for social media profiles and files that may be illegal or embarrassing. It locks up the computer and threatens the user with fines and prison, demanding a credit card payment. A new form of ransomware hits its victims with a new and nasty twist. Unlike the best-known […]

Though we never know when disaster will strike, we can adequately plan for one. Even with some amount of lead time, however, many things can go wrong. Each incident is unique and unfolds in unexpected ways. This is where having a truly effective business continuity plan in place matters. To make sure your organization has […]

Compliance is a component of business that no one wants to contend with, but it requires examination anyway. It’s perhaps why it’s getting such a nasty reputation: so many businesses and organizations fail to give it the proper attention, which it then gets short shrift, and then ends up becoming a costly issue in a […]

As a key component under the aegis of the Customer Experience, Customer Communications Management, or CCM, is a way for enterprises to create, manage, and deliver customer communications across multiple computer-networked channels, which ensures a consistent, personalized customer experience. As is easily guessed, it lies in the same spectrum with Customer Relationship Management (CRM), which […]

It has a history of frustrating both email security solutions experts and end-users alike with its wily-ness and adaptability to changing anti-spam measures through the years. But, where does spam proliferation stand in today’s security assessment? It’s still as problematic as ever, with up to half the world’s email being reported as spam, but with […]

With security standing as the number one problem in computer networking, Windows Server 2016 steps to the plate with an OS platform that promises much deeper safeguarding of data and communication, and defenses against malicious cyber attacks and breaches. The new Windows Server enhances the security of virtual machines, applications, and data with better protection […]

It’s hard to say exactly why so many businesses fail to take computer security seriously. There are many factors in play, such as the false feeling of security many Mac users have felt over the years, thinking they were more secure than PC and Windows users by default. But, the most common reason for the […]

When was the last time you performed a risk assessment of your computer network? Or evaluated the security of your personal, networked devices? An analysis of more than 212,000 Cisco networking devices at 350 organizations across North America found that 73 percent of businesses have end-of-life devices (those no longer being sold or supported) operating […]